Emerging Europe with a special session on Kosovo

Prishtina, 07.06.2019 – The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Valdrin Lluka, participated in the investment conference dedicated to promotion of Kosovo, which was attended by businessman from the United Kingdom and field experts from different institutions.

This conference was organized by Emerging Europe in cooperation with American Chamber of Commerce and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Among participants of the conference was Charlotte Ruhe, Managing Director of EBRD for Southeast Europe, and Nail Taylor, EBRD Head of Kosovo.

At the opening of the conference, Minister Lluka spoke of Kosovo’s great potentials, focusing particularly in the energy, mines and information technology sectors.
“The Government of Kosovo has adopted the 10 year strategy, which opens the path to investments worth of EUR 3 billion in this sector, thus attracting foreign investments in different fields of energy, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency”, stated Mr. Lluka.

Furthermore, Minister Lluka announced the good news that the Energy Regulator has approved the new agreement on purchases of energy, which according to EBRD is bankable, and allows access to finances amounting to EUR 200 million in a 3 year period.

Charlotte Ruhe expressed her gratitude to Minister Lluka for his engagement in the finalization of this agreement, reiterating EBRD’s commitment to invest in Kosovo, as one of bank’s most credible partners.

The President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Arian Zeka, showed his experience with American businesses in Kosovo who are members of the chamber, and took stock of our country’s compared to European countries.

On the other hand, Neil Taylor told Kosovo’s success story based on the Bank’s experience with domestic businesses, emphasising that Kosovo is developing and opportunities are growing alongside it. He mentioned J Coders and gjirafa.com as success stories.

The Director General of Raiffeisen Bank Kosova, Robert Wright, who also was a panel member, spoke of the challenges and opportunities for Kosovo. He stated that Kosovo’s greatest asset are the young generation, as these youngsters are focusing more in the ICT sector, thus putting Kosovo in the map of countries with great potentials.

Also, Mr. Wright announced that Reiffeisen Bank Kosova has won a competition against all other countries where the bank operates, creating an information technology centre, which will serve to Reiffeisen International and which will employ 200 persons.