The next meeting for the drafting of the National Plan on Energy and Climate was held

Prishtina, 26.04.2019 – Within the commitments for drafting the National Plan on Energy and Climate (NPEC) 2021-2030, a joint meeting of the Thematic Groups on the dimension of Security of Supply and Energy Market was held.

This plan is based on the Recommendation of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community, adopted in January 2018 and is based on 5 dimensions: Energy Security, Internal Energy Market, Energy Efficiency, Decarbonisation, Research, Innovation and Competition.

The meeting was attended by members of two Thematic Groups composed of representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development, ERO, KEC, KOSTT, KCC and representatives from civil society.

During the meeting, the Heads of Thematic Groups, Mr. Sabit Gashi and Mr. Skender Xani presented the structure of the content of these two dimensions based on the requirements of the Regulation 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union.

The following recommendations came out of the meeting of Thematic Groups:
•    Drafting of the text for Chapter 4 on the dimension of Security of Supply and Energy Market;
•    Identification of the targets for these two dimensions based on Annex 1 of the Regulation 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union.

According to the dynamics planned by the Energy Community Secretariat, energy and climate plans should be drafted and adopted by the end of 2020 by each of the contracting parties, while the first draft of NPEC 2021-2030 work is planned to be drafted by the Working Group by the end of 2019.