MED allocates 290.000 euros to the education sector in Gjakova

Prishtina, 15.03.2019 – In the course of implementation of the project “Promoting Energy Efficiency at Local Level through Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures”, the Ministry of Economic Development has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Municipality of Gjakova.

This memorandum of understanding amounts to a total of 319,000 euros, of which 290,000 will be allocated by MED and 29,000 by the Municipality of Gjakova for the restoration of the primary and lower secondary school “Ylli Morina” in Gjakova, with the aim to making it more energy efficient under the framework of the plan for implementation of energy efficiency measures.

In his speech, Minister Lluka said that this will not be the only donation to schools of the city of Gjakova.

“This 290,000 euro investment by the Ministry of Economic Development is part of the implementation of energy efficiency measures at the local level. Through this fund, we will renovate “Ylli Morina” school thus making it more energy efficient. This donation will not be the last one. As we have previously invested in the establishment of the computer lab in the school, we will continue to invest in technology with the aim to creating the creative centre, and similar investments will also extend to other schools in the city of Gjakova”, said minister Lluka.

On the other hand, Ardian Gjini, the Mayor of Gjakova said that he is very grateful for the amount allocated for the restoration of the school.

“We thank Minister Lluka for allocating the amount of 290,000 euros for school renovation, we hope that we will further deepen the cooperation between the Municipality of Gjakova and the Ministry of Economic Development”, said Gjini.

While the school director Mr. Berat Bejtullahu thanked Minister Lluka and Mayor Gjini for allocating the funds to make the school more energy efficient, adding that this will facilitate learning for students of this school.

In the end, Minister Lluka met the comrades of the martyr Yll Morina and the staff of the school bearing the name of the martyr.