Enhanced energy sector cooperation between Kosovo and Macedonia

Prishtina, 11.02.2019 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka met today with the Minister of Economy of Macedonia Kreshnik Bekteshi, to discuss on common projects in the energy sphere and expansion of cooperation between Kosovo and Macedonia.

Minister Lluka expressed interest on the gasification project, as it is assumed to open developmental opportunities for both countries, emphasizing that exchange of experiences in the development of renewable energy sources would be useful for the accomplishment of objectives and meeting requirements assigned under the Energy Community.

“Preparation of common projects would enable both countries to commonly present them to international financial institutions, and thus seek funds for their implementation,” said Minister Lluka.

The head of Macedonian economy Kreshnik Bekteshi said that the current project between Kosovo and Macedonia pertains to the revitalization of 220kV lines between the two countries.

“In the foreseeable future we will revitalize the energy system 220kV lines between two countries. This implies another connection with EU energy systems for our country, as Kosovo will be connected to Italy, through Albania, which will increase reliability of our electricity transmission system,” said Minister Bekteshi.

Among other topics discussed in the meeting were the Oslomej thermal power plant and its potential supply with high-caloric coal from Kosovo, HPPs Cebren and Galishte, as potential balancers of electricity systems in the region, and investment projects of both parties to include monitoring of European energy transits.

The possibilities of expanding the one stop shop system and operationalizing some of the aforementioned projects may be finalized in the common meetings of the Government of Macedonia and Kosovo, planned for mid-2019.

After the conclusion of the meeting of both delegations, Ministers Lluka and Bekteshi executed a memorandum of understanding in the sphere of energy, defining priority fields for such cooperation in the sphere of electricity, coal, natural gas renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, security energy supply, and preparation of important infrastructural projects related to electricity, gas and other initiatives.

Both ministers agreed that neighborly relations of the Republic of Kosovo and Republic of Macedonia are at the highest possible level, and should be utilized to deepen and expand cooperation in all other spheres.