Minister Lluka meets with US Ambassador Philip Kosnett

Prishtina, 07.02.2019 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka had an introductory meeting with the US Ambassador in Kosovo, Philip S. Kosnett, accompanied by Lori Michaelson and William Trigg, to discuss on developments in the sectors covered by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Minister Lluka thanked Ambassador Kosnett for the visit and informed him on the energy sector, with special emphasis on Kosova e Re power plant, and on mining and information technology sectors.

“It is a priority of the Ministry of Economic Development to ensure that by 2023, Kosova A is closed, Kosova B is rehabilitated and Kosova e Re commences energy generation”, said Minister Lluka. This will improve the Kosovo environment, by significantly diminishing pollutant emissions and providing stability in energy generation, thus improving its supply for local businesses,” Lluka added.

Another important topic of the meeting was the mining sector, and the head of the Ministry of Economic Development informed the American Ambassador on the significance of the sector for the country’s economic development. To this end, special focus was vested on Trepca and its development, and on 11 zones of special mining interest, with potential to attract American investments in Kosovo.

Discussions also revolved around other sectors covered by the Ministry of Economic Development, such as publicly-owned enterprises, their performance and challenges they face.

Ambassador Kosnett offered support for Kosovo and ministry efforts to enhance and stabilize Kosovo’s electricity supply, reaffirming the commitment of the US Embassy to implement the Kosova e Re power plant project.

Finally, Minister Lluka expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Kosnett for the visit and his readiness to ensure closer cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Development and US Embassy in the future.