Minister Lluka attends the Conference on Management and Challenges of Publicly-Owned Enterprises

Prishtina, 16.01.2019 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka, at the invitation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is attending the conference on management and Challenges of Publicly-Owned Enterprises. In the conference, Minister Lluka was part of the panel moderated by EBRD’s chief economist, Sergei Guriev.

The head of MED used this opportunity to meet with Bank Board Members Patrick Walsh, Jens Lundsgaard and Milan Martin, as well as the Bank’s Vice President Pierre Heilbronn, and to discuss on the advancement of the Telecom privatization agenda and enhancement of investments in the water, energy and mining sectors.

In 2019, special focus will be vested on the mining sector, with the new strategy already approved by EBRD’s Board. Subsequently Minister Lluka discussed with the counterparts on the intensification of developments regarding Trepca and 11 zones of special interest, and their promotion among mining companies listed in the London Stock Exchange.