Minister Lluka: Investments in human capital and establishment of natural water reservoirs, vital for the future

Prishtina, 08.11.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka is participating in the Balkans Conference and Exhibition on Waters and Sewer Systems “Water and Nature”, held in Tirana and organized by the Association of Kosovo Water and Sewer Systems and the Albanian Association of Water and Sewer Systems.

In the conference opening, Minister Lluka displayed projects under implementation in this sector in Kosovo and the reforms undertaken, with special emphasis on regionalization and overall consolidation of the water and sewer systems.

Minister Lluka emphasized that one of the priorities of the Ministry he heads is the elimination of losses in the water supply system, and implementation of waste water treatment plant projects.

“We remain committed to full elimination of losses in the water supply systems, and the establishment of natural reservoirs for water collection and preservation, which is a priority considering that water represents an insufficient resource globally. We are also working in implementing waste water treatment plant projects around the country” said Minister Lluka.

Further, Minister Lluka added that another one of his priorities in this sector will be investments in enhancing professional human capacities, which will implement projects and maintain current investments, noting that enhancement of cooperation with Albania in the sense of establishing common professional certification programs, based on the highest European standards, is in the interest of both parties.

During the conference, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Minister Lluka and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania Damian Gjiknuri, which aims to establish a common training and certification program aiming to enhance the capacities of the water sector labor power.

Both Ministers evaluated in highest notes the significance of the program, which will unify the abilities and skills required for the labor force, based on best European Union practices.