Lluka meets with the Coordinator of the German Government, Peter Beyer

Prishtina, 22.10.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka meets with the Coordinator for Transatlantic Relations of the German Government, and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Peter Beyer, to discuss on the establishment of new publicly-owned enterprises, with special focus on the Kosovo Telecom and Kosova e Re Thermal Power Plant.

During the meeting, Minister Lluka informed Beyer on the current state of central publicly-owned enterprises, objectives and reforms undertaken by the Government of Kosovo, as well as Kosovo Telecom Privatization.

“The Government of Kosovo, and MED in special, noting the state of the Kosovo Telecom, strives to privatize it and transform it into a profitable company in the upcoming two years. As regards central publicly-owned enterprises in general, reforms were undertaken and the new law was adopted, all aiming to improve their functioning,” said Minister Lluka.

In addition, Mr. Lluka informed Peter Beyer on the construction of Kosova e Re Thermal Power Plant, which is of vital significance for local businesses, and on the work done in renewable energy projects, aiming to reach the target of 25% of energy produced from renewable resources at national level by 2020.

Another concern raised is the failure to implement the interconnection agreement with Serbia, resulting in significant losses for the energy sector.

Minister Lluka requested support in the implementation of this agreement, considered vital for the welfare of Kosovo businesses and citizens.