Meeting of the Government Working Group on the “Integrated Information System for Economic Development” Project

Prishtina, 18.10.2018 – Upon successful completion of four activities planned under the project “Integration Information System for Economic Development”, the Inter-institutional working group on its management held a meeting to present to the economic operator the reporting tool and software page of the SIZHEK project.

Work under this project is expected from all government institutions, which are expected to populate the system with relevant data. SIZHEK is expected to be entirely functional in the upcoming two years, when the contract with the economic operator expires.

Kosovo’s economic development is a priority of the Government of Kosovo, and in specific of the Ministry of Economic Development, and to meet this objective, economic policy drafters and decision-makers need sophisticated means to be used for analyses, in order for the distribution of results of such analyses to be conducted in a prompt manner and for feasible decisions to be undertaken towards the definition of future steps for sneering the country’s economic development.

As a result, the Ministry of Economic Development, the head of the working group has initiated the Integrated Information System for Economic Development (SIZHEK) Project.

SIZHEK is a data and information sharing system, and means for data collection, maintenance and comprehension. SIZHEK will establish the conditions for more efficient planning and coordination of developmental policies among all relevant government, public and private stakeholders. The SIZHEK platform will also enable data viewing, editing, utilization and analysis online, intranet and using the most advanced information and communication technologies.