Lluka meets representatives of ENTSO-E, to discuss on the implementation of the Brussels energy agreement

Prishtina, 03.08.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka met today with representatives of ENTSO-E (European Network of Energy Transmission System Operators), Dr. Peter Hoffman and Mr. Laurent Rosseel. The senior representatives are visiting Kosovo in a fact-finding mission on problems Kosovo is facing in terms of electricity billing and supply in the Northern part of the country, system deviations in the recent months and obstacles Serbia is posing to the operation of KOSTT as an independent regulatory zone, as key elements for eliminating problems faced by the Kosovo transmission network.

Minister Lluka said that Kosovo is very interested to implement the Brussels energy agreement, but it is the Serbian side that for many years now obstructs the functioning and fails to meet its obligations deriving from the agreement, which causes severe financial losses and technical problems for KOSTT’s operations.

“Despite numerous blockages that Serbia is posing, we continue to implement all requirements deriving from the third energy legislation package in terms of market opening and integration, towards a regional energy market,” said Lluka, adding his hopes for ENTSO-E to assist in the process, being that KOSTT has proven to meet all technical criteria to operate as an independent regulatory zone as function as an equal member of ENTSO-E.