World Bank Board approves the Kosovo Digital Economy Project (KODE)

World Bank Board has approved the Kosovo Digital Economy Project (KODE). Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka considered this to be a great news for the country.

“As I’ve said in many occasions in the past, KODE project aims to cover the entire Kosovo territory with optic fiber, providing easy internet access to all Kosovo villages, citizens, schools and medical facilities in such villages, with the aim of digitalizing the local economy and providing better services for the citizens,” he said.

According to the head of MED, in addition to the infrastructure, this project also envisages the development of capacities in different related spheres, such as programming, design, application development, etc.

“The project will provide various benefits for the people of Kosovo, bringing them closer to information, services and jobs. By developing and strengthening Kosovo’s digital infrastructure, this project will deepen Kosovo/s connections with global economy, which is of critical significance for the country’s development and growth,” said Marco Mantovanelli, World Bank Manager for Kosovo.

Upon project conclusion, Kosovo will be the European country with the best fiber optics coverage rate. The project value is 25 million euro.