Cornerstone of the wastewater treatment plant placed in Gjakova

Prishtina, 19.06.2018 – The cornerstone of the wastewater treatment plant in Gjakova is a result of the engagement of the Ministry, donors and water supply companies towards the completion of the water system in the country, from production to treatment of wastewater, said the Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka.

The head of MED made these comments during the cornerstone placement ceremony for the wastewater treatment plant, an investment of 17 million euro, attended by heads of institutions, ambassadors of donor countries and stakeholders of the water sector.

Minister Lluka emphasized that the success would be impossible without the assistance from donors – German and Swiss governments. “Currently in Kosovo only 2% of wastewaters are treated, while in developed countries the situation is the contrary. However, we will change this trend. Works on the wastewater treatment plant have already started in Prizren, today we inaugurated works in Gjakova and we will soon start works in Peja. With these three plants, and the plant already in process in Prishtina, we will be able to treat around 60% of Kosovo wastewaters,” he said.

Minister Lluka informed that currently around 84% of all citizens are connected to regional water-supply systems, while some 7% have own supply systems. On the other hand 72% of the country’s citizens have access to sewage systems.

Lluka informed that MED has allocated 10 million euro in the upcoming three years, in cooperation with the Swiss Government granting 8 million euro, to be invested in the integration of all villages in regional water supply systems.

The Minister of Infrastructure, Pal Lekaj, said that Gjakova citizens should be content with this investment, as Gjakova is embarking on a path of development. Investments in the water supply and wastewater treatment systems have a significant impact on the quality of living.

Mayor of Gjakova Adrian Gjini said that this is the largest donation to Gjakova municipality and expressed his gratitude to the German and Swiss governments and people for this extraordinary day for Gjakova citizens.

Swiss Ambassador in Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet, expressed his content for representing Swiss taxpayers in this event and noted that this ceremony marks only the inception of the new wastewater treatment plant, adding that next year he hopes to meet again in the inauguration of another plant that will improve the quality of living for Gjakova citizens, Lebet added.

Roland Siller, Vice-President of the German Development Bank (KfW), expressed his hope that the project will improve the quality of living of citizens in Gjakova. It is one of the largest investments in Gjakova, and the second wastewater treatment plant to be built in this part of Kosovo.

According to him, this is not only important for Kosovo, but also for neighboring countries, and that the hopes the project will result in better quality water discharges in rivers and higher quality of living for Gjakova citizens.