Deputy Minister Beka invites Italian investors to Kosovo

Prishtina, 30.05.2018 – The Autonomous Province of Trento in Italy is ready to extend its cooperation and help Kosovo’s economic development. Many investors from this Italian Autonomous Province are already willing to come to Kosovo.

This was said during the meeting Deputy Minister Besnik Beka had with the Italian delegation of the Autonomous Province of Trento, currently staying in Kosovo.

“We hope to reach agreement with the Autonomous Province of Trento in Economic Development and Environment Protection. These are the two areas we need most support. At the same time, I want to say that Kosovo is an attractive place for investors. If you want to invest in Kosovo, operating costs are much lower than in Italy and other countries,” said Deputy Minister Beka during the meeting with the Italian delegation.

The purpose of the meeting was to ensure cooperation and promotion of the economy between the two countries with a main focus on economic development and the implementation of projects aimed at environment protection.

During the meeting, representatives of the delegation of the Autonomous Province of Trento, who are holding various institutional meetings in Kosovo, expressed the readiness of the embassy for further support in the implementation of joint projects.

Deputy Minister Beka informed the Italian delegation, which had in the ranks also other distinguished investors, on the work and activities of the ministry as well ongoing and planned projects.

On the other hand, the representative of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Sara Ferrari, emphasized the need for closer cooperation and assistance they can offer to our country. Particular interest was expressed in energy-related projects, environmental protection and support to small municipalities in the implementation of vital projects for citizens such as water supply and wastewater treatment.

The Autonomous Province of Trento is known for its agriculture, trade, services and tourism industry.