Minister Lluka in meetings in the State Department and World Bank, receives guarantees for projects in the energy sphere

Prishtina, 24.04.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka and Minister of Finance Bedri Hamza are staying in Washington DC, to participate in the spring meetings of the World Bank and the International Financial Corporation on economic matters, with special emphasis on energy.

Ministers Lluka and Hamza conducted meetings with Cyril Muller, Vice-President of the World Bank for Europe and Central Asia, and Laura Tuck, Vice president of the World Bank for Sustainable Development, to get acquainted with the dynamics of works and progress in the energy sphere, with emphasis on the adoption of the Energy Strategy 2017-2028.

In the meeting, the head of MED emphasized the significance of the strategy for the advancement of the legal framework and establishment of conditions for sustainable development in the energy sphere.

Muller congratulated Minister Lluka on the approval of the strategy and reconfirmed his support for the implementation of projects deriving from the strategy, with emphasis on the implementation of new generation capacities, such as Thermal Power Plant Kosova e Re, development of renewable energy projects and additional support in efficiency measures.
Also, Minister Lluka met with Georgina Baker, Vice-President of the International Financial Corporation (IFC) for Europe and Asia, and discussed on funding of projects in the sphere of energy and waters. Baker emphasized IFC’s readiness to support projects in these fields, considering all those fulfilling the relevant funding criteria.

During his visit in Washington DC, Minister Lluka was also received by the Director of the Office for Central and Southern Europe in the State Department, Suzan Falatko, who confirmed State Department’s support for the development of projects in the energy sphere and for full implementation of the energy strategy.

During the last day of his stay in Washington DC, Minister Lluka opened the workshop on Kosovo’s new coal mine, organized by the American Department of Trade and attended by the Assistant Secretary of Economy, Mrs. Karen dunn Kelley, and the General Counsel Mr. Peter B. Davidson.

The remarks of the latter two underlined the determination of the United States of America to support Kosovo in its development journey, and especially economic development. Present in the round table were around 10 well-known American mining companies: General Electrics, Komatsu, North American Coal, National Mining Association, Bechtel Equipment Operations and Westmoreland.

In all meetings conducted, Minister Lluka reiterated that the security of energy supply, as a prerequisite of sustainable economic development, continues to remain a priority of his work and of the work of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo.