Lluka took part in Berlin Energy Conference, raising the issue of interconnection blockage between Kosovo and Albania

Prishtina, 17.04.2018 – The Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka is attending the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue Conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany, attended by over 50 ministers of energy from different countries of the world.

In the margins of this conference, Minister Lluka met with his German counterpart, Germany’s Minister of Economy and Energy, Mr. Peter Altmaier, with whom he discussed the possibility of exerting more influence to the Government of Serbia to ensure the prompt implementation of the full interconnection agreement, and at the same time to enable Kosovo become a member of the European Transmission Organization, ENTSO-e, as this is the only obstacle to the integration of the energy market with Albania and the region.

Currently, Kosovo is losing about 22 million EUR per year from the failure to implement the interconnection agreement signed between Kosovo and Serbia about five years ago. Minister Lluka also expressed this concern in a meeting with the Deputy President of the European Commission for the Energy Union, Mr.  Maros Sefcovic.

Otherwise, at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue Conference, Germany’s Minister of Economy and Energy Peter Altmaier spoke to the audience about the importance of energy in the economic sector and the transition that countries should gradually make from traditional energy to the smart and green energy, focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Mr.  Heiko Maas spoke of the assistance that Germany has offered to all developing countries for the energy sector, helping local economies.

In addition, this international conference was also attended by the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency, Mr. Adnan Amin and the Director-General of the International Energy Agency, Mr. Fatih Birol.