15th Ministerial Council Sets Vision for Post-2020 Climate and Energy Policy in the Energy Community

Convening under the Kosovo  Presidency in Pristina today, the Energy Community Ministerial Council embarked on a process aimed at setting targets for renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction for 2030 in the Energy Community. The Contracting Parties will be supported by guidelines for the preparation of integrated National Energy and Climate Plans, adapted to fit the specificities of the Contracting Parties and soon to be presented by the Secretariat to the Community’s Energy and Climate Committee. The new mechanism will ensure a robust framework for streamlined reporting and transparent implementation of energy and climate policies. Individual Contracting Parties, such as Albania, expressed their willingness to integrate their energy and climate planning already now.

The meeting was opened with a speech by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj and was co-chaired by the Minister of Economic Development of Kosovo, Mr Valdrin Lluka, and Deputy Director General for Energy of the European Commission, Mr Christopher Jones.

Minister Lluka said: “There is a clear need for a more comprehensive and consistent policy on sustainable energy production and consumption and I sincerely welcome the Energy Community playing a more active role. The challenges ahead are vast and will require coordinated efforts. Deployment of energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency coupled with the establishment of a competitive energy market remain critical for ensuring energy security and sustainable economic development”.

The Ministerial Council took stock of the implementation of the Energy Community acquis. As regards renewable energy in particular, the Council expressed concern that most of the Contracting Parties are below the trajectory to reach their national renewables targets by 2020. Moreover, the Secretariat and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development presented joint draft Policy Guidelines on Competitive Selection and Support for Renewable Energy to the Ministerial Council which, when implemented, will ensure that support to renewable energies is awarded in a cost-efficient and transparent manner.

The meeting concluded with the handing over of the Energy Community Presidency to former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. On behald of the 2018 Presidency, Minister of Economy, Mr Kreshnik Bekteshi, said: “It is an honour and at the same time responsibility to preside over the Energy Community. All eyes in 2018 will be on us. Our key priorities will be to successfully conclude the process of amending the Energy Community Treaty and accelerating progress on the full implementation of the Third Energy Package as well as measures under the WB6 memorandum on electricity day-ahead market coupling and balancing. In addition, we will push for agreement on the Energy Community climate and energy targets for 2030″.