Minister Lluka participates in the Vienna Economic Forum

Prishtina, 06.11.2017 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka took part in the Vienna Economic Forum held for the 14th time, and attended by state dignitaries from the region and beyond, and notable personalities from the sphere of politics and business, to debate on issues of global significance. This year’s session focused on regional cooperation, as part of European Integrations, and development of information technology.

In his speech during the discussion panel, Minister Lluka emphasized that the Government of Kosovo placed digital economy in the list of the country’s main priorities, because it believes that digitalization provides sustainable economic growth and only knowledge-based economies are able to ensure successful performance and provide jobs for youth.

“For me personally, and for the Ministry I head, it is always a great honor and obligation to support such initiatives, because we need to make sure that we are sending a clear message to all – we will do our best to ensure that Digital Transformation enjoys our support, and the support of the non-governmental organizations and private sector,” said Lluka.

The Head of MED said that this ministry, alongside other ministries and other relevant agencies, are striving to integrate digitalization of the country as means to ensure social transformation in Kosovo. Along this line, strategic documents like the Kosovo Digital Agenda and National ICT Strategy establish a more favorable environment, in order for the entire ecosystem and energy of the private sector to find sufficient space for action and expressing the transformative power that digital economy offers.

Minister Lluka said that they are committed to eliminating all fiscal barriers related to the ICT sector; creation of the necessary infrastructure for the development of the ICT sector; empowering women and youth in ICT; engaging all potential donors; improving the infrastructure to ensure internet coverage for the entire country; establishment of innovative centers and technological parks, and digitalizing Kosovo’s economy.

Lluka underscored that to date Kosovo overcame all countries of the region, and many countries of the EU, in terms of internet penetration, because the country now has a 70% 4G internet penetration rate, through cellular phones.

Minister Lluka said that he wanted to use the forum to send a clear message to three main stakeholders;
1.    Governments of the Region – for a better cooperation between institutions and non-governmental organizations! Let’s work together for a better future. Don’t be afraid of leading change and providing assistance when required.
2.    Donors, especially the European Commission – trust in the region! Our hopes and visions are to become part of the greater European family.
3.    ICT societies and private sector – open for partnerships with others in the region! Partnerships are the only safe way to ensure success.

During the Vienna Economic Forum, Minister Lluka conducted separate meetings with representatives of businesses and regional ambassador accredited in Austria, to inform them on the economic development in the country, and the measures undertaken by the Government with the aim of improving the climate for foreign investments.