The Swiss Ambassador was informed on MED’s priorities

Prishtina 10.10.2017 – Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, met with the Swiss Ambassador in Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet, with whom he discussed the progress in wastewater treatment projects as well as issues with POE management.

On this occasion, Minister Lluka informed the Swiss Ambassador on the projects and priorities of his ministry.

The Minister thanked Ambassador Lebet for the support that Switzerland has provided and continues to provide to Kosovo in many years, focusing on investments that this country made in the water sector. He expressed optimism that Swiss investors will see Kosovo as a country of investment interest.

“The water supply and wastewater treatment sector is among the key components of cooperation between Kosovo and Switzerland. However, in addition to direct assistance, we need more Swiss investors to invest in different areas. Energy, mining and information technology sector should be attractive to Swiss investors and we expect this to happen as soon as possible”, said Lluka.

From his part, Ambassador Jean-Hubert Lebet reaffirmed his support for projects that will facilitate the lives of citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, adding that Switzerland will continue to help Kosovo on its path to economic development.

“Switzerland will continue its cooperation and support for the institutions and citizens of Kosovo. We have just approved the next package of about € 32 million in donations for Kosovo, which will improve the living conditions of Kosovans such as the water sector and wastewater treatment”, said Ambassador Lebet.