European Investment Bank supports energy projects

Prishtina, 03.10.2017 – European Investment Bank (EIB) expressed its readiness to support concrete Kosovo projects, said its representatives Konstantinos Mastrogiannopoulos, who met today with the Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka, as part of a UNDP delegation led by Alessandra Roccasalvo, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP in Kosovo.

Minister Lluka informed European Investment Bank and United Nations Development Program representatives on the current economic developments in the country, with emphasis on MED priorities during this governance mandate.

Head of MED explained that the energy sector represents one of the most priority sectors, and a prerequisite for sustainable economic development, emphasizing that the development of energy generation capacities is of key significance, while special attention will also be paid to enhancing energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources, with the aim of protecting the environment.

For his part, European Investment Bank representative Konstantinos Mastrogiannopoulos reconfirmed the interest of this financial institution to continue its support for Kosovo, through concrete energy projects, while remaining convinced that the cooperation of the Government, respectively MED will not lack in this process.