Ministers Lluka and Gjiknuri discuss on further steps in establishing the Common Energy Market

Prishtina, 03.10.2017 – Minister of Economic Development of Kosovo Valdrin Lluka, accompanied by his associates, visited Tirana today to meet with the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania Damian Gjiknuri, and discuss on steps implemented to date in the establishment of a common electricity market between Kosovo and Albania.

Minister Lluka emphasized the perspective of the Albanian energy auction, and Kosovo’s inclusion in it. “We discussed on the common energy market, on the energy auction, which will also encompass Kosovo. We committed to have our groups be more active and to intensify the work in both countries towards integrating the two energy markets. Kosovo transmission will be part of the Albanian auction, in shareholder capacity, and the working group should define details on how to implement this further,” Lluka said.

The Albanian Energy Auction will serve an increased load, and will improve competitiveness and meet one of the criteria deriving from soft measures for the integration of 6 countries of Western Balkans.

Minister Lluka noted that the transmission line Kosovo-Albania continues to remain inactive for political reasons. “The reason is problems we face with Serbia. Albania will continue to support us in this direction. This is quite important as membership in the Organization of European Transmission System Operators would enable Kosovo, respectively KOSTT, to become part of the regional market and benefit from allocation of cross-boundary capacities,” Lluka explained.

On the other hand, Minister of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania Damian Gjiknuri said that the meeting comprised a fruitful discussion between both delegations and that this will precede the common meeting of two governments.

“We have already embarked on a good work with Kosovo towards establishing the common energy market. We decided to reactivate our working groups and move forward in unifying our markets. We also discussed on continuing the process of establishing an Energy Auction in Albania, and on Kosovo’s readiness to become part of it”, underlined Gjiknuri.

Further, Gjiknuri explained that another problem was discussed – that of functionalizing the Albania-Kosovo interconnection line, an important investment of European Union countries, and an interconnectivity project that is key for the integration of our countries but has turned out to be a severe problem.

“Albania will play a supporting role in this project, and will lobby hard on behalf of both of our countries and in every forum to make our European partners aware that operationalization of this line represents the alpha and omega of energy integration of our countries. We will do everything in our hands to elevate the matter to the highest levels,” Gjiknuri added.

Both ministers committed to further harmonization of actions towards, in order to functionalize the 400kV interconnection line between both countries.

During the meeting, both countries agreed to reorganize Working Groups for the establishment of the common energy market, appoint political level coordinators to lead the process and delineate legal steps to be undertaken for the creation of the common Kosovo-Albania energy market.