Social assistance to be distributed through Kosovo Post

Prishtina, 2.10.2017 – As of today, obtainment of social assistance, to date conducted only through commercial banks, can as also be performed through Kosovo Post services. This project of the Kosovo Post was launched today, and is a result of the common work between the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Post.

Kosovo Post’s Chief Executive Officer, Sejdi Hoxha, said that the project will be welcome for all Kosovo citizens who benefit from social assistance.

“Now, it will be easier for them to obtain such assistance, as the Post provides its services through postal offices in every city and even in rural settlements,” said Mr. Hoxha.

The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Skender Reçica expressed his content with the common project, and added that possibilities for performing other schemes’ payments through the Kosovo Post should be reviewed, in order to provide services closer to the citizens.

On the other hand, in the launching event organized for this project, Ibrahim Rexhepi said on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development that Kosovo citizens will benefit from this project, which provides services closer to them.

“I wish to congratulate all parties for reaching an agreement on this project, which is very beneficial and comes closer to all citizens that could have faced difficulties in withdrawing their social assistance,” said Rexhepi.