KOCAF is the right address for francophone investors in Kosovo

Prishtinë, 23.03.2017 – The Club of Francophone Businessmen in Kosovo (KOCAF) will be a good opportunity for promotion and fostering economic cooperation between Kosovo and francophone countries. This was emphasised at the opening of launching ceremony of this club, attended by the highest officials of Republic of Kosovo institutions, French Embassy and business community.

The President of the country, Hashim Thaçi said that it is a privilege for Kosovo to be a part of Francophonie and is glad for the opportunities to deepen cooperation with all member states of this important world forum. “Apart from heaving a pretty young population, Kosovo also has many untapped resources, this requires expertise and powerful companies to explore these potentials. Thus, we need to learn about the potentials of Kosovo so that Kosovar businessman can benefit from experience offered by the world today”, he said.

Whereas the speaker of the Parliament, Kadri Veseli, assessed that launching of this Club is a good news for our country and through this mechanism we will explore the possibilities of cooperation between Kosovo and member states of Francophonie. “We are slowly but surely improving the environment of doing business in our country, we are also working in acceleration of legal procedures, elimination of economic barriers and enacting laws that incentivise both internal and external entrepreneurs and which guarantee free competition”, said the speaker of the Parliament.

According to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, the links that we had with countries of Francophonie are also strengthened with strong economic ties. “I assure you that the Government and respective ministries will make current and future economic policies that are in line with our common interests which are also a business and development interests”, he said. Mustafa said that the government through this Club is interested in informing francophone businesses about the investment opportunities in Kosovo.

The minister of Economic Development Blerand Stavileci emphasised that Club of Francophone Businessmen in Kosovo will be the right address for attracting more investors in our country.

“This event is important in two aspects, in the aspect of interstate relations, where we will be able to extend the excellent relations that we had in the bilateral aspect into a multilateral aspect, but there is also another reason which is that we can have better economic relations, such as intensification of relations, especially the business relations between Kosovo businesses and those in Francophonie countries”, he said.

According to him the best and most preferred model that shows the current presence of investors from these countries, and which is a very positive image for our country, is the Pristina International Airport, one of the infrastructure masterpieces.

Stavileci said that investors from Switzerland and Luxemburg are the leading investors with their investments as Governments and state agencies, especially in the sector of water supply and treatment of sewage.

The head of MED said that we are now in the eve of signing the biggest investment agreement of construction of “Kosova e Re” Power Plant, which is a great opportunity for francophone counties to be a part of construction of this masterpiece, he also listed renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, mines and ICT as opportunities.

Rogner Forneris, Co-director of the Francophone Club said that under the KOCAF logo they will engage in promoting and facilitating cooperation between Kosovo and francophone countries through actions. He said that among the first priorities for Kosovo that the Francophone Club will take into consideration are; industry, development of air and land transportation, finances, aeronautics, agriculture, vocational training, agronomy based on international standards, management of natural resources, renewable energy, tourism etc.