MED provides central heating for “Jahë Salihu” School in Molliq village in Gjakova

Prishtinë, 24.02.2017 – as a part of its energy efficiency measures in public buildings, the Ministry of Economic Development invested over 60 thousand Euros in implementation of such measures in the SHFMU “Jahë Salihu” in Molliq village in Gjakova, which significantly improves the working conditions for its students and teachers staff.

The Minister of Economic Development Blerand Stavileci, representatives of central institutions, municipal directors of education and representatives of SHFMU “Jahë Salihu” were present in the inauguration ceremony of this Project.

Minister Stavileci said that there are big projects in the focus of MED, especially in the field of efficiency, mining and IT technology. Moreover, there are other programs and sub-programs which are linked to specific fields of the energy sector.

“One of those projects that allows us to save energy, take care about public health, but also provide better conditions that impact the quality of learning, is the project in this primary school of Gjakova Municipality which has an impact in improvement of environment and conditions for students”, said Stavileci.

He said that several schools were selected within the project for implementation of energy efficiency measures, which include combined measures of heating, thermo-insulation, lighting and others and added that piloting of successful projects precedes the Energy Efficiency Fund.

The Director of Education in Gjakova Municipality Diana Qarkaxhija from her side thanked Minister Stavileci for the support provided, by adding that thanks to this investment, students of this school now have constant heating and better conditions.

The Assembly Member from this region, Hajdar Beqa positively assessed the investment in this school with big number of students and thanked the MED.

School Principal, Isa Zenuni expressed his gratitude for the investment in this school, because thanks to installation of heating system, over 300 students will have better conditions this winter and awarded a “Certificate of appreciation’ to Minister Stavileci.

The project for implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in SHFMU ‘Jahë Salihu” in Molliq village in Gjakova, includes installation of heating burner with capacity of 350kw, installation of radiators and distribution network as well as other accompanying infrastructure for energy and water supply. The total value of the entire project is 62.765.68 Euros financed by the MED.