TC Kosova B Feasibility Study to begin next year
Prishtina 31/10/2016 – Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, stated the reform of the energy sector is a Government priority, whereas the main objective aimed is to reach a security of supply in energy and to implement the contractual obligations undertaken as part of the Energy Community Treaty.
Stavileci made these comments at the first Meeting of the Steering Committee on the Feasibility Study for TC Kosova B, which saw a presentation of the Feasibility Study on the environment and measurements at the power plant, implemented by Eptisa and funded by the European Union.
Minister Stavileci emphasized once again that alongside the increase of reliability of power plant operation, attention should be focused in reducing emissions, respectively, in increasing efficiency through the generating technology in line with the requirements that derive from EU directives.
Following that, Stefano Diamantis, presented project aspects which include the goal, outputs and final outcomes. He stated that the implementation of the Feasibility Study on the improvement of TC Kosova B aims to achieve:
– TC Kosova B compliance with the requirements, respectively Directives (LCP and IED)
– Reparation or increase of energy and efficiency of the TC
– Extension of span of the TC until 2035-2040.
As part of this study, a series of documents and follow-up activities are expected, such as current situation Audit. Environmental and social impact assessment; Necessary investment level for TC Kosova B to be in compliance with LCPD and IED and increasing the span of the TC; Staff training on retro-mounting, operation and maintenance.
Following the presentation of documentation implemented so far as part of the project, the participants conducted an open discussion on further implementation aspects of the project.
The first draft of the Feasibility Study is expected to be delivered within March of 2017.