Digital Transformation of Economy, a catalyser of sustainable development

Prishtina 28/10/2016 – The Information Technology Conference KOSICT, held in Prishtina for the fifth year in a row, brought together representatives of technology and business, who will put this sector at the center of attention for two days. The conference is organized under the auspices of the Head of Parliament of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, with around 50 speakers and over 1 thousand participants.

In his opening remarks, the Head of Parliament, Kadri Veseli, said that information technology has potential for the economic development, as it is linked to powerful internet penetration, young age of the population, as well as the strong will the talented youth here have to excel in this field.

“On the international level, this sector is developing at a rapid pace. If we try more, we can engage in this global market too,” he said, adding that development in this field is directly related to overall development of the country.

He restated the promise of placing the Protocol Center in Gërmia for purposes of Information Technology.

Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci said that, seeing the economy and the needs of the private sector and the availability of human resources, as the largest capital, what needs to be done is to focus on the digital transforming of all sectors of the economy, with information technology having the main importance.

According to him, this digital transformation can be achieved and it represents a modern concept which can be adopted, as sustainable economic development cannot be thought today without the development of this sector.

He said the so-called digital park will be launched soon, enabling us to move the ITC field to the next level and this way transform our economy.

Mentor Sahiti – Chairman of the Board of STIKK said that over the past 5 years KOSICT has been made and developed as the largest regional conference, the purpose of which is to address and focus on the importance of digital technology.

He said that during the conference, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about market trends in the sector, how funding of start-up’s functions, education in ICT, and to network with other participants over two days.