One Stop Shop for Renewables in operation next year

Prishtina 18/10/2016 – Inter-institutional working group on the establishing of a One Stop Shop for Renewable Sources of Energy held another meeting to present the results of an Analysis of Barriers to investment in the sector, organized by Fichtner company. The OSS for RSE is expected to be in operation next year, as all preparations are done.

Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci praised the group’s work on establishing the OSS, done under the coordination of Dpt. Minister Besa Zogaj-Gashi, emphasizing that the concrete results of this work will become part of the legal framework and guidelines for the Government regarding this sector.

Stavileci said that Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency are an important part of the Kosovo Energy Strategy, and given the importance of investment in this sector, which constitutes an obligation that the country has taken, the functionality of the OSS will give a boost to investment in renewable energy.

Arben Nagavci of USAID, praised the achievement in the process, in which USAID contributes through the REPOWER project, noting that concrete results are expected. He said USAID is interested in seeing Kosovo ready to fulfill the obligations in the energy sector which derive from the EU integration process.

Expert on Energy, Ali Hamiti, presented the research ‘Analysis of Barriers,’ and said the survey results show two barriers of a special role are in: – the field of financing renewable energy projects and; in the process of authorizing RES projects.

He said that, in the medium and long term, an important factor in the removal of barriers to renewable energy is to strengthen the investment framework structure in general, which is important for potential foreign investors interested in RES projects in Kosovo.

The participants conducted a discussion in which they presented their views and gave recommendations on how to facilitate the procedures for investment in renewable energy sources and the functioning of the OSS.