ICT is a pillar of overall economic development

Prishtina, 30.08.2016 – No sector of the economy can be imagined detached from ICT development, as this sector is becoming the pillar of development visions of companies, not only in this sector but also areas such as energy, agriculture, trade, health, etc., said Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci.

Stavileci made these comments today during a joint press conference with company executives of Gjirafa Inc., introducing the company’s project GjirafaPikBiz aimed at digitizing the entire Kosovo, with special emphasis on businesses.

The Minister highly appreciated the project, which comes as a private sector initiative to enable new business development, but also helps the overall economic development; a futuristic project, which is seen in almost all countries Europe, but which was missing in Kosovo.

Stavileci said that MED made efforts to ensure that in addition to projects with a significant impact on the country’s economic development, to also give special space and merits ot ICT.

“We have adopted a strategy and we are preparing new programs which will support IT businesses so that they develop and contribute to overall economic development and open new jobs” he added, commending the company Gjirafa for this project.

Mërgim Cahani from Gjirafa Inc. said he felt fortunate that their company is developing the digitization of Kosovo for all types of businesses, small and big.

“The services we offer are for Kosovo but also for Albania and Macedonia. These are services we provide in direct competition with global giants working in billions. This product, such as 360 degree view is equivalent to what Google offers in various world cities”, he added.

Cahani said that the average age of programmers and engineers who are developing this platform is 22 years, and it is an indication that we can compete with the global market.

The Head of the Business Department in “Gjirafa Inc.”, Debatik Hoxha, said the company intends to develop all businesses operating in Kosovo, exposing them to the mass market, and through this app customers can easily find information on their businesses and services.

The product “GjirafaPikBiz” includes data, services and locations of businesses, showing them on the map with a 360 degree.