Agreement for TPP Kosova e Re, the greatest success of 2015

Prishtina, 30.12.2015 – Finalization of the agreement with the US Company, Contour global, as the investor for the construction of “Kosova e Re” power plant, is the greatest success of the year in the energy sector, said the Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci.
Stavileci made these comments in the concluding conference in 2015, where he presented the achievements of his Ministry during the year as well as the challenges faced. He noted that Energy and Information and Communication Technology are two strategic sectors where significant developments took place.

In regards to the energy sector, Stavileci stated that the agreement reached for the TPP was the best alternative, which ensures the best balance between government objectives, security of supply and affordable energy.

“This will be a unit of 500 MW, an investment of 1 billion euros, which is another direct foreign investment, with capital participation of a private investor and contribution of international financial institutions,” said Stavileci, and added that unstable power supply is creating business losses up to 300 million euro per year.

Further, the head of Ministry of Economic Development stated that the finalization of the Kosovo part of 400kV interconnection line between Kosovo and Albania is the next success in this field, with expectations of 200 million savings in losses incurred in the past years, and makes the construction of Kosova e Re more acceptable. These projects make Kosovo part of the Energy Community Treaty.

Regarding energy efficiency, Stavileci informed the attendees that two projects have been launched, one with the World Bank for the implementation of EE measures in public buildings, and the other with KfW and the Western Balkans Investment Framework – WBIF including buildings of local institutions. In addition, he said that a Feasibility Study was initiated for the establishment of the Energy Efficiency Fund, which will be available for the private and public sectors.

In terms of Renewable Energy, he said that to retain the interest of investors in this field, procedures were initiated for the establishment of a “One Stop Shop”, which aims to facilitate procedures and harmonize the terms of licenses.

Further, Minister Stavileci mentioned telecommunication, and emphasized that they are in the process of preparing the National Information Technology Strategy, with the work focused on two new projects, the ICT Fund and the establishment of an ICT business incubator, which opens the way for a technological park.

In the conference Stavileci also spoke about other sectors in the scope of MED, such as mining and POEs, where work is mainly focused in the improvement of the legal framework.
Minister Stavileci stated that political developments have challenged the work of institutions, but it was agreed that the main objectives should not be affected.