Stavileci: 400kV interconnection Kosovo-Albania, a project of regional importance

Prishtina, 17.12.2015 – Representatives of institutions of Kosovo, Albania, German Embassy, KfW, KOSTT and OST considered that the 400 kV Kosovo-Albania interconnection line is one of the most important energy projects, which will improve the energy system, and will create a special connection between the two countries, the region and the European Union.

These comments were made during the inauguration ceremony of the project “Secondary regulation frequency-power Kosovo-Albania” and the completion of works on the 400 kV interconnection line until the border with Albania, organized today in NT 400/220 kV Kosovo B, in Kastriot.

The Prime Minister of the country, Isa Mustafa, said that the 400 kV interconnection line between Kosovo and Albania is an opportunity with many advantages for both countries, providing diversity of compatible energy resources, ensuring a higher level of generation results and electricity exchange.

According to him, Kosovo and Albania have already taken over obligations and are creating conditions to strengthen the power system and enhance the security of supply, raising the standards in line with those of developed countries.

On the other hand, the Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, stated that the implementation of this project represents a new chapter in our country’s energy sector, a chapter that will transform us for future developments.

“Everyone here, including our international partners who contributed to this project, knows that even our integration processes, in which journey we are together with the Republic of Albania, mean that we are all part of a regional market, meeting three basic conditions”, said Stavileci.

According to him, these three conditions are, the security of electricity supply, linking our networks and becoming part of the regional market with new operating conditions, and liberalization of the market. Both our countries are making progressive steps to this end, setting examples for countries in the region and ensuring progress in the ECT agenda.

The Economic Development Minister said that this transmission line project is one of 35 major projects in six Western Balkan countries, and expressed his confidence that these projects help the country come closer towards EU, fulfilling the EU agenda in the energy sector.

Ilir Bejtja, Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania, stated that this is an important event for both energy systems, with Kosovo distinguishing itself as an energy area. “Certainly, the membership of the two operators in ENTSO-E will enhance the independence of the two systems and make them partners in decision-making in regional strategic projects”, he added.

The representative of the German Government, Henriette Kotter, noted that the energy sector is one of the main pillars of development in Kosovo which is why such an interconnection line is very important.

Esther Gravenkoetter, director of German Development Bank, KfW, Pristina, highly appreciated the contribution of KOSTT in the realization of this important project for the country.

The good cooperation between the two countries in the field of transmission was also commended by the heads of both, Mustafa Hasani, CEO of KOSTT, and Angel Zeqo Administrator of OST.