Delawie: USA supports Kosovo’s economic development

PRISHTINA, 03.09.2015 – Economic Development Minister, Blerand Stavileci, met the US Ambassador in Prishtina, Greg Delawie, today, and informed him on the country’s economic developments, with a special emphasis on MED’s priorities.

Minister Stavileci said that the development of the energy and information and communication technology sectors are the basis of the economic development, and added that they are working in finalizing ongoing projects.

The Minister used the opportunity to thank Ambassador Delawie for the past and present US support to Kosovo, in all areas, and expressed the desire to deepen the cooperation in economy.

From his part, Ambassador Delawie assured the Minister of his country’s continuous support to Kosovo’s economic development, and commended the government’s priority given to economic development, with the aim of improving the lives of citizens.