Common energy market between Kosovo-Albania, a step forward towards a regional market

Prishtina, 10.03.2015 – Both Kosovo and Albania are aware of the importance of the agreement on the establishment of a common market for the energy sector, which is essential element aand a prerequisite for economic development of both countries, said the Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci.

Stavileci made these comments in a joint press conference with the Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania, Damian Gjiknur, held after the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the Establishment of the Common Energy Market.

Minister Stavileci said that after the signing of the agreement last year between the two governments, we are now in the implementation stage, and we are concluding today an important stage, which was the establishment of the Steering Committee and Working Groups, opening way for the development of the Terms of Reference for the establishment of this market.

“The objective is that in addition to building new generating capacity to meet the demand for electricity consumption, to also review the forms and alternatives for certain compensations and complementarity, and in this aspect we all agree that the safest bet is the Republic of Albania”, said Stavileci.

According to him, Kosovo-Albania Joint Market opens way to a regional energy market, as Europe currently discusses many important subjects, one of which is the establishment of the Energy Union, and both our countries recognize the importance of establishing such a market.

From his part, the Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania, Damian Gjinkuri, said that OST and KOSTT cooperate closely and regularly with each other, and that this is a daily communication that ensures the implementation of this major project for the integration of Albanian and Kosovar market in a common energy market.

“On the other hand, both countries begun the physical works to physically connect this market through its main energy route, i.e. interconnection line between Albania and Kosovo, which is moving in the appropriate pace, and our countries will soon be integrated physically. On the other hand, to fully realize these important investments towards integration, we must address the challenges of new generating capacity, both in Kosovo and Albania”, said Gjinkuri.

He stated that the joint work of the Steering Committee to be realized with common policies may also lead to joint investments in Kosovo and Albanian in generating facilities, through complementary possibilities of Kosovo’s lignite and Albania’s hydro sources.

According to him, it is important that working groups have been finalized, which will work in the harmonization of legislation, policies, technical issues and joint capacities, ensuring that both countries are efficient and fulfill the energy needs for the present and future needs.