Project Steering Committee of “Kosova e Re” Power Plant approved the opening of the financial offer

Prishtina, 30.01.2015 – The Project Steering Committee (PSC) of
“Kosova e Re” Power Plant, chaired by the Minister of Economic
Development, Blerand Stavileci, met today to present the results of the
compliance evaluation of the offer submitted by the bidder Contour

Recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee, Transaction Advisor,
Strategic Advisor (IFC), and World Bank recommendations were presented
in the meeting.

TPP Kosova e Re PSC thus took a decision to proceed with the process of
opening and evaluating the Financial Offer, in the course of next week.

In addition to the Transaction Advisors, and regular PSC members, the
meeting was also attended by observer members, including, World Bank,
EBRD, USAID, KfW, US Embassy, Office of the EU in Kosovo, and
representatives of other local institutions focused on the energy

MED will duly inform the public on further developments expected in the coming days.