Postal stamp dedicated to heroes Fehmi and Xhevë Lladrovci emitted

Prishtina, 22 Sep 2014 – Official promotion of the postal stamp dedicated to national heroes Fehmi and Xhevë represents an important moment, due to the fact that it remembers important figures that sixteen years ago made the ultimate sacrifice in Resistance Hill for the freedom of our country, said the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli.

He made these comments during the promotion of the Kosovo Post stamp dedicated to two national heroes, Fehmi and Xhevë Lladrovci, on the 16th anniversary of their heroic fall, in the presence of representatives of the Kosovo Government, Croatian Embassy in Prishtina, Kosovo Post, family members, fellow fighters and other public figures.

“Fehmi and Xhevë Lladrovci were educated in national ideas and made their way in the New National History, materializing in their blood the idea of national liberation, as a married couple, as fellow fighters and fellow heroes, which by virtue of their deed can only compare to another couple of fellow fighters and heroes – Azem and Shotë Galica,” Ismajli said.

The Head of MED said that this postal stamp will not only serve as means of payment for postal services, but also as a symbol for promoting Kosovo history through philately, emphasizing that such initiatives will always enjoy support from MED.

Kosovo Post Chief Executive Officer, Sejdi Hoxha, said that the image and history this post stamp carries will travel not only in our lands, but rather around the globe, as it was intended for the world to also know two giants of Kosovo freedom.

The deed of these two distinguished figures of Kosovo’s recent history was also elaborated by their fellow fighter, Musa Xhaferi, now Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia.

For their contribution to the national liberation war in Croatia, the family of Fehmi and Xhevë Lladrovci received a medal from the Croatian state, through its representatives from the Republic of Croatia’s Embassy in Prishtina, as well as a certificate of appreciation from the Association of Albanian Fighters in Croatia.

The KP Chief Executive Officer handed over to Lladrovci and Krasniqi families the postal stamp “Fehmi and Xhevë Lladrovci” carved in bronze.

The philatelic mission of Kosovo Post is to promote historic, national, scientific and sportive values of the Republic of Kosovo and Albanian people in general through the emission of postal stamps.