Albania and Kosovo embark on a common economic agenda

Tirana, 29 April 2014 – Albania and Kosovo should establish a common economic market, as means to attract serious investors and open way for economic development of both countries. This was one of the key statements in the Albania-Kosovo Energy and Industry Forum, held in Tirana and attended by representatives of respective governments, public enterprises and businesses.

The one-day Forum was organized by Alb Konfindustria, in cooperation with MED and MIE, while keynote speakers included Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Behgjet Pacolli, Minister of Economic Development Fadil Ismajli, Minister of Energy and Industry of Albania Damian Gjiknuri, Head of Konfindustria Gjergj Buxhuku, and representatives of energy, industry and telecommunications institutions and companies from both countries.

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Behgjet Pacolli, praised the initiatives for the establishment of a common economic market and the initiative of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, for the unification of customs services of both countries, while encouraging all parties to continue to pursue such approaches that lead to the establishment of a common market.

For his part, the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli, said on this occasion that while discussions on the establishment of a common energy market or implementation of common economic projects could have been deemed illusory, today such projects are being implemented, referring to the Kosov-Albania interconnection line and the initiative for the establishment of a common market.

Minister Ismajli assessed that the Forum sends a message that both countries are moving towards more qualitative cooperation, being convinced that the fundament created today by both governments will continue to be built upon by the business respective communities.

The Minister of Energy and Industry, Damian Gjiknuri, said that it is important for Kosovo and Albania to embark on a common economic agenda and to establish a common economic market. According to him, the energy sector represents a strategic advantage of such market and a promoter of economic development of both countries.

Gjergj Buxhuku – President of AlbKonfindustria said that meetings of this nature serve the creation of common economic space, while informing that similar forums will also be organized in other Albanian centers.

Following these addresses, heads of public institutions and enterprises from both countries, such as KOSTT, OST, KESH, PTK, PSH, etc. presented new financial models, based on relevant active government policies, financial markets, natural resources and cooperation/investment possibilities.