MED and IENE organize a workshop on “Energy Policies and Strategies”

Prishtina, 11.03.2014 – The workshop on “Energy Policies and Strategies” represents a good opportunity for the discussion of matters such as energy efficiency, adequate implementation of measures to achieve targets in this sphere, opportunities for optimal use of renewable energy sources, etc. depending on the economic potentials and capacities of the given country, said the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli.

Minister Ismajli made these comments during the opening remarks of the “Energy Policies and Strategies” workshop, organized today in Prishtina by MED in cooperation with the Institute for Energy in Southeast Europe (IENE), and attended by representatives of the Government, regional organizations, IFC, KfW, EBRD, IMF, WB, USAID and other donors of the energy sphere.

The Head of MED expressed high evaluations for IENE’s initiative in Southeast Europe to include in its annual meetings representatives of various energy spheres, who develop a thorough dialogue and enable optimal and reasonable management of energy resources in a given country, and who engage in common planning of capacities that provide for the best possible use of resources available in the country.

“I believe that this workshop will give its effects, why not even in the political aspect, for the countries of the region, especially in this segment, and people that are engaged in this sort of brain concentration are able to provide answers on topics that represent a global concern – such as security of electricity supply,” he said.

Ismajli expressed his appreciation for Kosovo’s inclusion in the IENE agenda, stating that this cooperation will also progress in other spheres.

For his part, Costis Stambolis, IENE Executive Director, presented the activities of this Athens-based Institute and explained that this non-for-profit organization was incepted in 2003 through the SEE energy dialogue in Thessaloniki, which was also attended by Minister Ismajli, who is also a member of the IENE Board.

He said that IENE is active in all countries of Southeast Europe, whereas its main activities consist of research and discussions on energy-related matters, drafting of energy policies at the national and international level, energy transmission, environment, etc.

Further, Costas Theofylaktos, member of the IENE Executive Committee, held a presentation on energy efficiency and possibilities for its advancement, whereas Nicholas Sofianos, IENE Project Coordinator, spoke on the perspective of RES development in SEE, with a special focus in Western Balkans. The meetings will continue tomorrow with a group of Kosovar experts from various energy sectors.