Ismajli: Social contribution of businesses improves their image

Prishtina, 10.12.2013 – Corporate Social Responsibility is an active and voluntary contribution of the private sector with the aim of improving the social-economic and environmental conditions.  Every enterprise, regardless of its scope and size, must have a permanent social responsibility, not only towards its close members, but also the surrounding of its business operation, said the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli.

The Minister made these comments in the CSR Network meeting – Kosovo, in Prishtina, in the presence of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, representatives of the business community and similar initiatives in the region.

Minister Ismajli said that fortunately, many companies in Kosovo are not an exception.  In particular, the banking and production sectors, from their establishment, have understood their responsibilities to the society and the environment.

Such a noble and social action of companies also helps them in building and strengthening their reliability, enhances their image, and strongly contributes long-term benefits.

Robert Wright – Chairman of the Board of CSR Network– Kosovo, said that this network was established in 2011 and is supported by Raifaisen, Sharrcem, KOSTT, Meridian Group, American Education Fund, etc., and in 2012 has achieved membership in the European CSR Network.

He said that CSR – Kosovo has picked up its pace in its activities with business, but that there is more to be done and further support is needed.

Goran Lazarevski – Member of the Coordination Mechanism of CSR Macedonia, said that it is not the Government’s job to approve a law for CSR, but it can support businesses in such endeavors and the CSR network. He also made a presentation of regional initiatives, stating that in addition to the benefits for the society they generate benefits for businesses, as they promote them.

Arian Zeka, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce of Kosovo, said that the fact that 18 members of the CSR Kosovo are members of AmCham is an indication of its contribution, and added that more needs to be done to promote the value of this network and to ensure membership of other companies in this initiative.

This meeting was conducted with the contribution and organization of the Kosovo CSR Network, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development and the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo.