A network of Albanian businesses established in Germany

Koln/Germany, 12 Oct 2013 – The Albanian diaspora was and remains one of the main factors of Kosovo’s economic development, however, a better coordination of diaspora’s economic activities is necessary in order to increase the presence of their investments in Kosovo in the future.

This is one of the conclusions of the forum on the networking of diaspora businesses, organized in Cologne, Germany, by the Ministry of Diaspora, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development, Investment Promotion Agency (MTI), American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Kosovo Embassy in Germany, UNDP and IOM.

In the opening remarks of this forum, the Minister of Diaspora, Ibrahim Makolli, said that the role of the diaspora in the first phase of recovery from war damages and economic revival of Kosovo was and will continue to remain indispensable.

Makolli said that the Albanian diaspora continues to be one of the main factors of economic development in the country, and although nobody is satisfied with the development level, diaspora found ways to bring both capital and experience gained in its country of origin.

He added that both institutions and the diaspora are commonly striving to identify the best means for collaboration, with the aim of stimulating a direct involvement of the diaspora in the country’s development.

The Kosovar Ambassador in Berlin, Skënder Xhakaliu, added that our diaspora continues to remain one of the pillars of Kosovo’s most important processes, while expressing his appraisal for the Diaspora Strategy, which aims to address diaspora’s needs.

According to Xhakaliu, the organization of this forum is very important and aims to accomplish two objectives – the networking of diaspora businesses with Kosovo businesses, and networking between diaspora businesses.

Afrim Hoti, political advisor to the Minister of Economic Development, said that Kosovo has overcome numerous challenges, and that the conclusion of the heavy political process has opened the path for a similarly important chapter – that of economic development.

Hoti said that the Republic of Kosovo is currently journeying through a phase that European Union members have taken decades ago, namely a phase in which the country’s economic development contour are developed and European integration aspirations are structured.

He invited the diaspora to come and invest in Kosovo, although the country continues to face problems and difficulties, while being convinced that a better coordination between Kosovo citizens and the diaspora could spark up the country’s economic development.

Valdrin Lluka, Chief Executive Officer of the Investment Promotion Agency, and Arian Zeka, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo presented the advantages of investing in Kosovo, underscoring low production costs, young population, free access to European and US markets, etc.

Further, managers of renowned companies headed by Albanian diaspora presented the successes of their businesses and their experiences and plans related to investments in Kosovo.