Koci: Kosovo on a good path to fulfilling its energy-related obligations

Prishtina, 15 May 2013 – Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Gani Koci, accompanied by Thomas Lersten, representative of the US Department of State, Christian Geostis, Atache in the Austrian Embassy, Markus Baechler, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office, Katri Hameenniemi, Advisor in the Finnish Embassy, Kristof Buza, Secretary in the Hungarian Embassy, and Yasushi Kikuchi, Director of JETRO – Vienna, visited today Thermal Power Plant Kosova A.

This occasion was used to inform the participants of yesterday’s donors’ conference on sustainable energy in Kosovo on achievements and investments made in the sphere of energy.

Deputy-Minister Koci claimed that Kosovo will fulfill all obligations deriving from the Energy Community Treaty and European regulations.

“The decommissioning of ‘Kosova A’ is already part of our strategy and will occur after the commissioning of new energy generation capacities, and the Government is working in this direction,” said Deputy-Minister Koci, adding that this will be achieved with support of the countries interested to invest in Kosovo, which have also supported Kosovo in the revival phase of its energy sector.

Meanwhile, Arben Gjukaj, KEK’s Managing Director, said that the Corporation pays special attention to the environment, considering its preservation necessary.

“In ‘Kosova B’ we have had closed transport and zero environmental pollution for four years now, whereas in ‘Kosova A’ we will inaugurate new transportation means, as a project cofounded by the World Bank (1 million euro) and KEK (7 million euro).

Moreover, the participants were informed that KEK spent around 55 million euro in environmental projects, and this investment is considered to be the largest environmental investment in the region.