National Action Plan on Renewable Energy Sources 2011 -2020 is presented

Prishtina, 30.04.2013 – The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is determined to realize all international obligations in energy. In relation to this, we are today discussing on the National Plan on Renewable Energy Sources, which is part of the fulfillment of our national obligations, said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Gani Koci.

Deputy Minister Koci made these comments in the roundtable on the National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources 2011 -2020, which was attended by representatives of local and international institutions and civil society representatives involved in the field of energy.

Koci pointed out that energy is one of the largest development resources in the country and that the government is determined to create conditions for its overall development.

“Ministry of Economic Development (MED), as the policymaker for the energy sector, is strongly committed to the realization of all objectives and obligations arising from the Energy Community Treaty and, with its resources, our country will constantly be engaged in improving this area and meet the standards required today, “he said.

Deputy Minister also said that, with this plan, which is complementary to the energy policies of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, we complete the programmatic framework for the sector of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), as an important sector addressed through a separate chapter in the Energy Strategy.

“As it is known, Kosovo has already set its RES targets for 2020. EC Council of Ministers, in its meeting held in October 2012, has approved limits for Kosovo, which is 25%. In accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers, mandatory targets are defined, but the Ministry has also approved voluntary targets, which exceed 25%. Therefore, to encourage private investment in the field of Renewable Energy, Kosovo aims in 2020 to meet the target of 29.47%, determined by the Administrative Instruction targets” said Koci.

Head of RES, EE and Cogeneration Division (MED), Nezir Myrtaj, presented the Action Plan for RES and stated said that this plan was made in accordance with Directive 2009/28 EC and the completion of the draft is done in accordance with the schedule set by the Energy Community Secretariat (ECS).

Myrtaj said the plan includes the essential requirements of EU Directive 2009/28, which includes the adoption of legal and regulatory framework, identifying the institutions responsible for the implementation of legal and regulatory framework and procedure development authorization, certification and licensing for RES.

According to him, the final draft of the Action Plan should include RES targets by 2020, while the deadline for finalizing the plan is June 30, 2013, when it will be sent to the EC Secretariat in Vienna.

Meanwhile, Ajvazi Approach, Head of Legal and Licensing Department at the Energy Regulatory Office, spoke on the construction of new generation capacities from Renewable Sources of Energy.

He said that until now ERO has issued 3 authorizations for about 26 MW, HPP-23.1 MW Wind-2:25 MW. 15 applications are under process, of which HPP-12 with 137 MW, Wind-3, with 81 MW. There are also 8 preliminary authorizations of about 138.28 MW.

Richard Tomiak, Project Manager of “Promotion of EE and RES in Kosovo”, funded by the EU, presented a summary of measures to achieve the targets for RES.