Minister Beqaj visits companies Solid and Hidroregjioni Jugor J.S.C.

Prishtina, 02 April 2013 – The Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, visited today shoe factory ‘Solid’ in Suharekë and the Regional Water Company ‘Hidroregjioni Jugor J.S.C.’ in Prizren, in order to get informed with their work and the challenges faced by them.

After the meeting with the management of RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor J.S.C., minister Beqaj said that the purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with details on the implementation of a rather significant project for Prizren municipality, the wastewater treatment project valued at 22 million euro, the implementation of which is expected to commence soon and directly affect the quality of lives of the citizens of this municipality.

“I informed them on the works that the company has performed in finding new water sources, which will provide new qualitative water resources, and the state with collection and installation of meters that will help the company better identify water losses and needs for pipeline replacements up to and in Prizren town,” said Beqaj.

He said that topics of discussion with staff of ‘Hidroregjioni Jugor J.S.C.’ included investments made earlier at the regional level, respectively in Suharekë, on installation of water supply facilities, which was co-funded by the Government and donors, which proves that the Government remains committed to provide citizens with qualitative and affordable services.

The Head of MED said in this occasion that public companies that provide citizen services have greatly advanced in service provision, noting improvements related to electricity supply, water supply, wastewater treatment and garbage collection and treatment.

For his part, CEO of RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor J.S.C., Besim Baraliu, underlined that thanks to the support the Government has provided, his company managed to become more active in providing funding, and to provide Prizren citizens with qualitative and uninterrupted water supply.

He informed that this regional company is currently implementing a number of projects related to improved potable water supply and development of capacities for wastewater treatment, emphasizing that the largest project implemented currently in Kosovo is the wastewater treatment project, valued at 22 million Euro and co-funded by KfW and the Government.

During the visit to the shoe factory Solid in Suharekë, Minister Beqaj was informed by its management on the achievements and challenges faced by this private company.

Beqaj reemphasized Government’s commitment to provide the necessary infrastructure for businesses, with the aim of ensuring prerequisites for their development, while congratulating the management of ‘Solid’ for its achievements.

Shoe factory ‘Solid’ in Suharekë has a 20-year tradition, employs over 200 employees, and produces all types of shoes, which are sold outside of Kosovo market boundaries.