POE Inter-Ministerial Committee seeks responsibility on electricity bills

Prishtina, 28.02.2013 – The POE Inter-Ministerial Committee asked in today’s meeting that the KEK Board of Directors seeks accountability on the electricity invoices of January this year.

The Committee requested KEK j.s.c. Board of Directors, in line with the Committee’s Report on the review and analysis of customer complaints and KEK’s Preliminary Report, to immediately draft a report on measures undertaken by KEK on the situation created, and continue with detailed investigations on the concerns and dissatisfactions raised by KEK customers.

The POE Inter-Ministerial Committee, because of the created situation, requests that the KEK Board of Directors ensures that no customer is disconnected from the grid if they have filed complaints on January invoices, until the final complaints’ review is completed in line with the legal deadlines in force for customer complaints.

KEK Board of Directors is requested to ensure that KEK Senior Management make steps to remedy the situation and revise invoices according to the real electricity consumption.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee asks all citizens who consider that invoices received do not represent a reflection of the factual situation to file a complaint form in KEK, and also requests that all citizens that haven’t filed complaints to pay their electricity bills.

POEIC informs all citizens that January invoices do not reflect an increase of electricity tariffs, and also calls the Energy Regulatory Office to publish the final report of the findings from the customer complaints analysis.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee will request the KEK Board of Directors to duly implement all measures requested by ERO.

According to the Law on POEs, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has ownership over Central POEs, and, as a shareholder, it has a legal obligation to exercise continuous and strict oversight of activities of Boards of Directors, and Audit Committees of POEs, which are fully independent in exercising their duties.

The Board of Directors has a legal obligation to exercise continuous and strict oversight of Senior Managers of POEs.

POE performance is evaluated vis-à-vis the implementation of targets defined in Business Plans of publicly owned enterprise.