PSC approves draft documents for ‘Kosova e Re’ project

Prishtina, 01 February 2013 – ‘Kosova e Re’ Project Steering Committee reviewed today developments related to the preparation of Request for Proposals, and the transaction structure for TPP ‘Kosova e Re’ after the removal of TPP ‘Kosova B’ from the transaction.

The meeting was also used to discuss other matters related to the transaction as well as open issues that have to be finalized in the meantime.

“Kosova e Re’ Project Steering Committee approved draft project documents and decided to open the Request for Proposals and Project Agreements for comments by all stakeholders involved in the process, with the aim of their further enrichment prior to issuance.

The Project Steering Committee remains dedicated to the finalization of transaction documents and publication of the Request for Proposals and Draft Project Agreements by end-March 2013.

The meeting of the Project Steering Committee was also attended by other parties involved in the process, including the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, USAID, European Union Office in Kosovo, KfW, USAID, KEK and KOSTT.