500 Students from Obiliq and Fushe Kosove Imagine

Prishtina, 27 november 2012 – With the support of the European Union Office/EUSR, the Ministry for Economic Development launched the public awareness campaign “Life after Kosovo A”.

Prishtinë / Pristina: 500 students from six schools located in the municipalities of Fushe Kosove / Kosovo Polje and Obiliq / Obilic participate in a drawing and painting competition whose topic is “Life after Kosovo A”. The competition is part of a public awareness campaign that aims to promote the importance and advantages of the future decommissioning of Kosovo A Thermal Power Plant for the environmental protection and the public health of the population of the two municipalities and of Kosovo at large.

 “I am very happy to be part of this activity and to give my contribution to a cause that is very important for us and for the environment we live in. Moreover, I hope that the power plant Kosovo A will be decommissioned and we will more often be able to see the sun and breathe fresh air”, said Diana Maloku, a participant student from the school “Selman Riza” in Fushe Kosove / Kosovo Polje. Diana’s work will be photographed and posted on a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Jetapakosovena?fref=ts) that was created as part of the awareness campaign and that already gathered several hundred “likes”. The works created by the five hundred students will initially be evaluated by the schools. A national jury composed of painting and environment professionals will make the final selection, which will be presented to the public in an exhibition in Pristina and gathered in a printed catalogue.

“I am pleased that our school and our students are part of this activity. Aside from contributing to a very important environmental issue, the competition also provides a great opportunity for the development of practical and artistic skills of the students”, said Mr. Besim Zymberi, Art Teacher at “Selman Riza” school. The other participating schools are Lismir and Mihal Grameno in Fushe Kosove / Kosovo Polje, and Ibrahim Rugova, Liria and Abdurrahman Gërguri in the municipality of Obiliq / Obilic.

The campaign was designed as part of the project “Further Support on the Kosovo A TPP Decommissioning Process”. The project, whose beneficiary is the Ministry for Economic Development, is initiated and funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Resources and Logistics (RaL) in partnership with Italtrend.

For additional information on the campaign please contact Mr. Naim Zeqiri, Director of the Public Relations Office of the Ministry for Economic Development – Tel: 038/200-215 05, Email: Naim.R.Zeqiri@rks-gov.net – or Mr. Birol Urcan, Manager of BConsult – Tel: 044 112 097, Email: birol@bconsultcom.com