The deadline for PTK bid submission is extended until January 15, 2013

Prishtina, 19.11.2012 – PTK Government Privatization Committee discussed yesterday on the investors’ requests and comments for the tender documents, the interest of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on the privatization process, and decisions were taken on the future course of the PTK privatization process.

GPC also analyzed the current progress in the PTK privatization process and concluded that this process is following highest international standards, and authorizations issued by the Assembly and Government of Kosovo. 
GPC also reviewed the interest of EBRD and other international financial institutions such as the International Financial Corporation (IFC) in the process, and concluded that the involvement of such serious institutions in the process to support prequalified companies is an additional guarantee of the project’s success.

GPC also approved one of investors’ requests, to postpone the bid submission date for January 15, 2013.

This postponement also comes as a result of the interest of financial institutions to provide support, particularly after the accession of the Republic of Kosovo in EBRD, and is done in compliance with the recommendations of the transaction and strategic advisors, with the aim of allowing sufficient tome for bid preparation by prequalified companies.

In this meeting, GPC also reviewed key comments and requests of prequalified investors, and approved the requests of two investors to modify and supplement their consortia.

In line with tender rules and the recommendation of the transaction and strategic advisor, GPC has approved the inclusion of Citigroup Venture Capital International Advisors (CVCI) in the consortium Twelve Hornbeams S.a.r.l /Avicenna Capital LLC, and the inclusion of Central Balkan Investments Limited (CBI) in consortium with M1 International Ltd.

GPC uses this opportunity to express its conviction that PTK privatization will bring positive effects for Kosovo’s economy and citizens, and guarantees investors that highest international standards will be applied for such transactions.