GPC approves final transaction documents for the KEDS process, contract signature expected on Wednesday

Prishtina, 16.10.2012 – The Government Privatization Committee for the Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company (KEDS), approved the final transaction documents for the privatization of KEDS during its meeting convened today.

GPC adopted the following documents: Share Sale and Purchase Agreement; Electricity Supply Agreement; Import Agreement; Implementation Agreement; Transfer Agreement; Common Services Agreement; Debt Collection Agreement; Disclosure Letter and Disclaimer Confirmation Letter.

The decision to approve the final project documents means they are ready for signature with the Çalik-Limak consortium, as the preferred bidder for the privatization of the Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company.

GPC decided that the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement, Implementation Agreement and Disclosure Letter shall be signed by the Head of the GPC, Minister of Economic Development Besim Beqaj, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, whereas the other agreements should be signed by the authorized representatives of KEK and KEDS, as matters affecting these two companies.

Prior to reaching its decision, GPC obtained the opinion of the Transaction Advisor – IFC, on the adherence to relevant legal and procedural conditions, and based its decision on the opinion of the independent advisor of USAID – Deloiotte and the decision of the Boards of Directors of KEK and KEDS of 15 October 2012.

The agreement will be signed on 17 October 2012, at 11:00 h.