Beqaj: KEK Emissions shall be soon reduced to within EU standards

Prishtina, 05.09.2012 – The Government of Kosovo has a clear roadmap, and it is to ensure that KEK, within a timeframe determined by the Government and KEK, is no longer a heavy polluter of the environment in the Republic of Kosovo, said the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj.

Beqaj made these comments today in the inauguration of electrostatic precipitators in A5 Unit of the Power Plant “Kosova A”, in the company of the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Dardan Gashi, US Ambassador, Tracey Jacobson,  French Ambassador, Jean Francois Fitou, and Manager of the Kosovo Energy Corporation.

He said that by the next visit in this TPP, the chimneys of this TPP will have less emission, and they want to see concrete numbers if environment pollution. “It is important to install electrostatic precipitator in A5, and soon in A4 and A3, to ensure reclamation of the ash landfill, and implement other projects the aim of which is directly related to the quality of the lives of Kosovo citizens, and these are all objectives of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo”, said Minister Beqaj.

Beqaj expressed his belief that this will not only be a wish list of how they want to see KEK in the future, but that such a situation will become a reality, and added that MED will continue to support  KEK in the future, and thanked the donors for their contributions.

The Minister also said that the Ministry will continue to have a close communication with the European Commission when approving and introducing all environment-related Directives.

On this occasion, Minister Beqaj, on behalf of the Government, thanked KEK employees for their work in ensuring a stable power supply, particularly during the last winter, and added that with their dedication and tireless efforts, they have put KEK in the right track with own source investments.

On the other hand, Minister of Environment, Dardan Gashi, said that KEK operations are vital for Kosovo’s economy, despite its contribution to environment pollution in Kosovo.

He said that the installation of the electrostatic precipitators speaks of a significant change the country is doing to eliminate pollution, and added that with MED, they have worked intensively in developing renewable energy, initially with the construction of the first hydropower plant in Deçan municipality with significant capacities.

US Ambassador in Prishtina, Tracey Jacobson, highlighted that the development of the energy sector is a key priority for the US assistance program in Kosovo, as it is the key driver of the country’s economic development.

“The US Government, through USAID, is supporting energy sector development in Kosovo, in cooperation with other governments and donors, as we all want a reliable power supply which is also environment-friendly”, said Jacobson.

According to her, today’s inauguration is an indicator that Kosovo is in the right tract and is attracting investments and expertise of the private sector, which is an essential element to achieve the full potential of this sector, and emphasized the support of the United States for energy projects, considering the wellbeing of citizens.

KEK General Manager, Arben Gjukaj, also said that as of today, A5 Unit has pollutant emission 15 times lower from before the precipitator, and also added that by next year, when other precipitators will be introduced in A3 and A4 Units, emissions will be brought to within the EU standards.