Çalik & Limak promise up to 300 million euro in investments

Prishtina, – KEDS privatization is a process led by the Government, in conformity with the Assembly decision, which aims to conduct transparent, open and competitive procedures, in line with the relevant international standards, stated the Minister of Economic development, Besim Beqaj.

Beqaj made these comments during the public meeting of the KEDS Government Privatization Committee, in which the consortium of Calik and Limak presented its structure and plans to invest in Kosovo’s electricity distribution system.

“All decisions taken by the GPC in regard to KEDS were full, harmonized and with unanimous votes. They were further adopted and verified by the Government of Kosovo, who decided to proceed with the preferred bidder and to enter negotiation arrangements with the aim of defining terms and conditions to be stipulated in the contract between GPC and Çalik & Limak Consortium”, he said.

While commenting on the comparisons between this process and those conducted in the region, MED Head said that contrary to Albania, Macedonia or Montenegro, the Government of Kosovo has not undertaken any obligations towards the investor; left aside the 110 kV privatization; debts still belong to KEK and staff is guaranteed employment for the following three years, regardless of the length of their current contracts.

He underlined that if the Government concludes that the contract is not respected by the investor, it will terminate the contract and retake ownership over the company, without any financial obligations.

For his part, the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Nenad Rasic, said that his Ministry was engaged throughout the process to ensure greater rights for the employees, especially taking into account the socio-economic impact of the ownership change.

According to him, this change will not incur any negative impacts. On the contrary, it will have a positive impact and will strengthen the households of the staff from the financial aspect, as employees with short-term contracts will now have 3-year contracts. This proves the Government’s commitment throughout the process.

Further, the representative of the consortium of Calik and Limak, Serhan Can, presented a short overview and profile of the company, as well as works by Calik Holding and Limak, as well as the plans for KEDS development in the upcoming 15 years.

Can promised up to 300 million euro in investments, of which 200 million in the current electricity distribution network; diminishment of annual losses by 3% and retention of human resources, as well as their further advancement through professional training.

Calik and Limak have identified the following challenges: non-technical losses, northern part of Kosovo, electricity theft, lack of meters and low collection rates, while noting that their purpose is to diminish losses, promote efficiency, improve security of supply and ensure the lowest possible electricity tariffs.

At the end of this meeting, Minister Beqaj, as the head of GPC, and the Calik & Limak Consortium representative, responded to questions and matters of interest presented by civil society and trade union representatives.

Otherwise, participants in this meeting expressed their surprise and indignation with the behavior of two Vetevendosje Members of Assembly, who used their participation in the meeting to spread an irritating smell, in ann unsuccessful attempt to hinder the conduct of the meeting.