The Conference with potential investors in PTK is held in London

London, 22.05.2012 – A conference with potential investors interested in the Kosovo Post and Telekom was held today in London, with the aim of presenting the investment opportunities in Kosovo’s Telekom, through the purchase of PTK shares.

In his presentation, the Chair of the PTK Government Privatization Committee (GPC), Minsiter Beqaj, gave assurances to the potential investors that this process will be conducted in line with highest international standards, and that the entire process will be based on the key premises: transparency, equal treatment of all investors, and competitiveness.

Minister Beqaj also said that the Republic of Kosovo is pursuing all the necessary steps to approximate its legal framework in the telecom area with the EU acquis, with the aim of attracting private investments and ensuring more affordable and quality communication for the Kosovo citizens.

In the same time, Beqaj stated that through structural reforms and the introduction of the private capital in key sectors of Kosovo’s economy, including transportation, energy, telecom, and public services, Kosovo has reached a growth of 5.3% in 2011. Continuing with these reforms, Kosovo will ensure a sustainable economic development over the European average, and Kosovo’s citizens will have better living conditions.

GPC Chair also said that PTK is a leading company in the mobile and landline telephony in Kosovo, both in terms of subscribers and in the quality of services provided. However, added value of PTK is based in the potential for further development of the company.

“Kosovo, which has the youngest population in Europe, also has the lowest penetration of mobile and landline telephony, and this represents a great opportunity to increase the number of subscribers and development of new products”, he added.

According to Minister Beqaj, with the involvement of a private investor in PTK, the telecom sector will see a much faster development trend and transfer of new knowledge. 

Transaction Advisors, from Lazard Freres, who explained the international competition procedure to be administered, PTK Managing Director, Ejup Qerimi, presenting the position of PTK in the telecom sector, and MP and Kosovo Development Assembly Committee, Sala Berisha-Shala, were also present in the conference.

Potential investors participating in the conference stated that PTK is a rather attractive company for them to extend their investments, and that the Kosovo telecom market offers a good opportunity for further development.

The Conference enjoyed an extensive participation of investors fro various countries, including:

1. Accelero Capital (England, France, Egypt)
2. Alchemy Telekom (USA)
3. Avicenna Capital (England)
4. Axos Capital (Germany)
5. Bain Capital (England)
6. Delta Partners Group (United Arab Emirates)
7. Ethemba Capital (England)
8. Genii Capital (England, Luxemburg)
9. Goldmark Telecommunications (Anlgi)
10. Hrvatske Telekom (Croatia), owned by Deutsche Telekom
11. IFC (England)
12. Magyar Telecom (Hungary), owned by Deutsche Telekom
13. Monaco Telecom (Monaco)
14. Mubadala (United Arab Emirates)
15. Novator  (England, Island)
16. Searchlight (England)
17. Tradestonegroup (England)

PTK Government Privatization Committee has also planned a similar conference in Istanbul next week. The results of the two conferences will serve the preparation of a market analysis and the PTK privatization strategy.