MED: Staff consent for transfers to KEDS does not put jobs in danger

Prishtina, 08 May 2012 – In the meeting between the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, and the leadership of the Kosovo Electricity Trade Union Federation, discussions were waged on the lack of clarity and concerns regarding the transfer of KEK staff to the Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company (KEDS), and it was agreed that a common public press release would be issued.

During the meeting, the Presidency of the Electricity Trade Union Federation of Kosovo was given clarifications and arguments regarding the staff transfer statements required, explaining that this represents an issue of principle and does not threaten employees’ welfare, contracts or jobs.

Minister Beqaj emphasized that the Government of Kosovo has done its maximum to preserve employee’s rights and jobs.

In addition to ensuring full compliance with the applicable Law on Labour, the Government of Kosovo strived to ensure the protection of employees and their jobs through a decision of the Government Privatization Committee, issued on 31 January 2012.

From the date of completion (as defined in the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement), KEDS will continue to employ all staff, for a minimum three year period from this date.

Also, each employee holding a contract for a set period which will elapse within three years, which will be calculated from the completion date of this privatization process, will be entitled for an extension of the contract until the third anniversary from the date of completion.

The trade union was granted additional time, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, to explain to KEK employees the significance of their stated written consent, as part of the KEK unbundling process, as well as the significance of the privatization process and transfer of KEDS staff in general.

During this meeting, Minister Beqaj and the Presidency of Kosovo Electricity Sector Trade Union agreed to set the deadline for the consent of KEK staff transfer to KEDS at 13 May of this year.