Beqaj: The Government supports foreign investments

Prishtina, 24 April 2012 – The Minister of Economic Development (MED), Besim Beqaj, ensured a number of Croatian investors that Republic of Kosovo is conducting all necessary legislative changes, which will serve the creation of a favorable environment for foreign businesses.

In a meeting held with heads of two large pharmaceutical and medical equipment production companies from Croatia, ‘Pliva’ and ‘Lola Ribar’, and in presence of the Croatian Ambassador in Prishtina, Zoran Vodopija, Beqaj undertook to ensure their increased presence in the Kosovo market.

“Due to its developmental policies, these two enterprises find Kosovo extremely progressive, and consider that Kosovo can become a hub for the regional market, while reviewing long-term investment possibilities and options for the future, and including the possibilities to produce their products in Kosovo,” said the Minister.

Beqaj said that these two enterprises are present in the Southeast Europe market and are relatively strong. The discussions waged today are a confirmation of the adequacy of Government of Kosovo economic policies, which aim to attract investors that are considering entering the regional market through Kosovo.

For his part, the Croatian Ambassador Zoran Vodopija emphasized his content with the fact that two strong Croatian companies have to come to Kosovo and are planning to invest in Kosovo, in order to ensure their presence in Kosovo and the surrounding countries. Vodopija said that the Croatian Embassy continues to support Croatian companies, as well as Kosovar companies in further developing their exports.

On the other hand, General Manager of ‘Pliva’ Company, Matko Bolanca, said that both Pliva and Lola are noticing change in Kosovo, in relation to the legislative changes that lead towards European Union approximation, and assess that these changes are quite positive.

“We are currently looking into investing in Kosovo, and we want to be a partner in the economic development that will occur in Kosovo in the future. We are present in your market and will continue to be with you in this journey,” he said.